In order to record trees, we recommend the "Record a tree" menu. We are going to ask geographical coordinates of trees in WGS1984 system with degrees-decimals units (eg. 46.063721 25.363690). If your GPS or phone is set to other units (e.g. 46°22'74'' 25°39'61''), try changing the settings. If this is not possible, use an online converter (e.g. Alternatively, you can record using the below map by locating the point where the tree was found. After the "zoom in" to identify the location is saved by a "double click". In this respect, to increase accuracy and visibility switch the map to satellite view. Registration fields marked with a star are mandatory; other information are also important, but can be filled in later. Click the "Record" button to save the data and to send them for verification. Do not forget to add a photo!