Partners and collaborators

Pogány-havas Regional Association

Pogány-havas Association was founded in 1999 by the Hargita County Council's initiative. Its founding members are the local councils of the seven municipalities as well as local NGOs and entrepreneurs. These entities work together to form common goals, expand the local economy and develop tourism. The association's office is in Csíksomlyó. We work on a range of projects to increase local incomes, preserve the region's cultural heritage and conserve the natural environment.

Barbara Knowles Fund

The Barbara Knowles Fund has been working in Transylvania since 2008 with local projects to improve rural incomes, support traditional agriculture, understand the ecology and biology of biodiversity hotspots in farmed landscapes especially mountain hay meadows and wood pastures, identify and protect key species and habitats in need of conservation, and influence policy in Brussels and Bucharest.

The natural and cultural treasures of this special part of the world are closely connected. By helping local people to realise their value (in both senses of the word) we aim to improve the rural economy in its modern context, while supporting activities that keep it special.

Knepp Wildland A pioneering rewilding project comprising 1400 ha of former arable and dairy farm land in SE England using herds of free-roaming ungulates to drive habitat generation. Focusing on restoring dynamic natural processes, in just 14 years the project has seen a spontaneous revival of many rare species.

Galeria Posibilă

Preoccupied with studying and understanding the landscape, Galeria Posibilă presents artists whose works enable discussion of contemporary art and related fields. In the curatorial program these discussions are generated by the interest of artists, painters and photographers for subjects such as identity, transformation and memory.