Cookie Policy

Version 1.00

1. Introduction

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679, we have adopted the following Cookie Policy, which together with the Privacy Policy of Babeș-Bolyai University creates the framework for the proper functioning and use of our website:

Through this Cookie Policy, we aim to inform you about:

  1. What types of cookies exist on our website:
  2. How long these cookies persist in the browsers of our website visitors
  3. What data these cookies track
  4. What is the ultimate purpose of these cookies (statistics, functionality, etc.)
  5. How to refuse the use of cookies and how to change cookie settings in your browser.

2. What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small piece of text that websites transmit to the browser and that is stored on the user's device, such as a computer/laptop, mobile phone, tablet, etc. These files are used by the website to remember information about users' visits, such as language preferences and other options, while helping you set things up for future visits and making the website more useful by customizing its content. Cookies play an important role in improving the user experience of the website.

A cookie consists of two parts: the name and the content or value of the cookie. This text is passive - it does not contain software programs and malware applications (computer viruses, spyware, adware, etc.) and cannot access information from the user's hard drive or SSD.

The lifespan of a cookie can vary, depending on the purpose for which it is placed. Some cookies are used only for a single session (session cookies) and are not retained once the user leaves the website, while other cookies are stored and reused each time the user returns to the website (persistent cookies). Cookies do not request personal data to be used and, most of the time, do not identify Internet users personally.

3. Types of cookies used:

The website uses the following cookie modules:

  1. Strictly necessary cookies: Without these, we cannot deliver the content of the website. These cookies ensure the basic functionality of the website.
    Name Domain Purpose Expiration date
    csrftoken This type of cookie ensures that requests within a browsing session are sent by a user, not by other websites. This type of cookie prevents a malicious website from acting on behalf of a user without their knowledge. This cookie module ensures security during browsing on our website and prevents Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) cyber attacks. 12 months
    django_language This cookie is used to remember the preferred language for displaying the content of the website. This cookie can have the values: ro, en, or hu. 12 months
    Registration or authentication cookies For our website users who have a user account and access credentials (username and password), upon entering these, temporary authentication cookies are generated to keep the user logged in until the session ends. These cookies do not collect information that allows the identification of the user. Session
  2. Statistical analysis cookies: These cookies are used to collect information about how users interact with our website, the general behavior of all users, which will be analyzed to help us make improvements, and cannot be used to identify individual users.
  3. Performance cookies: These are cookies that allow us to count visits and traffic sources so we can improve the performance of our website. These cookie files help us find out how many visitors our site has. The visitor is never identified individually or personally. Performance cookies are only used to improve the functioning of the website.
    Name Domain Purpose Expiration date
    _ga Google Analytics ( This type of cookie is used to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number, acting as a visitor identifier. It is included in every request for access to a page on a website and is used to calculate the number of visitors. 2 years
    _gat Google Analytics ( This cookie module assists in analyzing information regarding website visitors, such as the browser used and the number of new visitors to our website. This information helps us improve the website. 1 day
    _gid Google Analytics ( This cookie module stores and updates a unique value for each visited web page. 24 hours
    _ga_P2BKT2ZM6W Google Analytics ( This cookie module records a unique ID for Google Analytics statistical data and is used to collect information about how users interact with our website. We use this information to make improvements to the website. This cookie collects anonymous data and information, including the total number of website visitors and the web pages accessed. 13 months
    ar_debug Google Doubleclick This cookie module is used to detect errors on the website. This information is sent to the web administrator to optimize the visitors' experience on the website. 84 days

For information on how Google Analytics utilizes the collected data, we recommend you visit the following web pages:

  1. Google Privacy Policy:
  2. Google Analytics Service Practices regarding the commitment to protecting data privacy and security:

4. How can you stop cookies?

The web browser provides users with the ability to control/disable cookies. The method for doing this varies depending on the type of cookies..To learn more about disabling or deleting cookies from your browser, you can visit the following link: Another useful web resource is:

If you wish to set your web browser to reject cookies, you can use the preference settings in your browser. For more information about these options, consult the browser's help documentation. Depending on the existing web browsers, there are several ways to control or disable cookies. To learn more, we recommend visiting the websites of the browser you are using.

  1. Cookie settings in Microsoft Edge:ștergerea-modulelor-cookie-în-microsoft-edge-63947406-40ac-c3b8-57b9-2a946a29ae09
  2. Cookie settings in Internet Explorer:
  3. Cookie settings in Google Chrome:
  4. Cookie settings in Safari:
  5. Cookie settings in Firefox:
  6. Cookie settings in Opera:

If you block the use of cookies in your browser, some services on certain websites may not be available. Some browsers allow users to specify settings for the use of cookies by certain websites, which enables more precise control over private information. This means that you can block cookies from all websites except those you trust.

Some web browsers have a "Do Not Track" feature that allows users not to be tracked while browsing. Using the "Do Not Track" option may block certain website functionalities.