Tree details

General informations
Tree number 165
Species Pedunculate oak
Size 516 cm
Recorded by kadartibi
Recording time Aug. 8, 2015, 7:46 p.m.
Tree condition
  • Visible dead components
  • Human impact/threats for the tree
  • Cutting the branches
  • Positive interventions: nincs/nu este/none
  • Location of the tree
    Locality Nádas, Felsőrákos-Erdővidék (Racoșul de Sus CV)
  • in a landscape , forest
  • Importance
    A kocsányos tölgy az egyik legnagyobb méretekkel rendelkezik melyet Erdővidéken eddig találtam, a tölgyfa közvetlenül a nádasi út melett (Felsőrákos) található, így örvendetes, hogy megmaradt. Az őt körülvevő vékony erdő és a tölgyfa méreteit és formáját tekintve levonhatjuk a következtetést, hogy a fa valamikor szabadállású volt, tehát a jelenlegi erdő helyén fás legelő lehetett. Nagy száraz csonkjai külömböző ritka fajoknak adhat otthont mint például a nagy hőscincér vagy szarvasbogár így értékes biokuckónak számít. A kocsányos tölgy mely egyébként a 2015 év fafajtája a Felsőrákosi közbirtokosság üzemtervezett erdőbirtokán található. Stejarul este unul dintre cele mai mari ca și dimensiuni pe care am gasit în zona Ținutului Pădurilor. Stejarul se află exact lângă drumul forestier numit Nadăș astfel este lăudabil că nu a fost încă tăiat. Arboretul subțire, relativ tânăr, care înconjoară arborele cu dimensiuni remarcabile și din portul său diferit putem atrage concluzia că arborele era cândva un arbore de pășune pe o pășune cu arbori, deci este foarte posibil ca pe locul actualulei păduri se afla pășune. Arborele cu crengile masive uscate oferă habitat pentru specii valoroase și rare ca de exemplu croitorul mare al stejarului, rădașca, fiind astfel un arbore cu valoare ridicată de conservare un arbore de biodiversitate. Stejarul se află pe proprietatea Composesoratului Racoșul de Sus într-o parcelă cu amenajament silvic. This English oak is one of plumpest from Erdővidék area, it is located on the nearby of the Nádas forest road, so it is a miracle that it was not harvested. The forest around him is with thin and young trees, we can premise that this remarkable old tree was once part of a larger pasture with old oaks. The oak has fat dead branches which can provide habitat for rare species like great capricorn beetle, stag beetle, this way it is a biodiversity tree. The remarkable english oak is in the forest owned by Felsőrákos community forest, the forest around the tree is included in a forest management plan.

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    5. Send us a short e-mail for in which kindly clarify what kind of responsibility you want to fulfill (for example regular visit of the tree and reporting about the condition of the tree; uploading new photos to the website; discussion with locals about the values of old trees; organizing programs; financial support for conservation actions on old trees and wood pastures; other innovative activities – we are happy about any initiative, just present us in an e-mail).

    Currently this tree is not adopted by anyone.