Tree details

General informations
Tree number 4699
Species Pedunculate oak
Size 990 cm
Recorded by viorelarghius
Recording time Dec. 21, 2018, 12:19 p.m.
Tree condition
  • Standing dead tree trunk
  • Human impact/threats for the tree
  • Other human impact: imbracat in sarcofag de beton in perioada 1977-1978
  • Location of the tree
    Locality Tebea, Baia de Cris
  • in a locality, public area
  • Other: Cimitirul Eroilor din Baia de Cris
  • Importance
    Stejarul de la Tebea, a fost unul dintre cei mai grosi si varstnici stejari din Romania cu o varsta estimata la circa 800 ani. Datorita varstei inaintate, arborele a inceput sa se degradeze puternic de la inceputul secolului al XX-lea, pierzandu-si si ultima ramura in urma unei furtuni in anul 2005. (sursa informatiilor si a fotografiilor: Patrut si altii, 2010, Radiocarbon dating of the historic oak of Tebea, Romania, Studia UBB Chemia, LV, 1, 2010)

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    Steps of adoption:

    1. Register on our webpage and log in.

    2. Select a tree from the pages Map or Trees.

    3. Ask for adoption from the Tree details/Adoption page.

    4. Wait for confirmation from the administrator.

    5. Send us a short e-mail for in which kindly clarify what kind of responsibility you want to fulfill (for example regular visit of the tree and reporting about the condition of the tree; uploading new photos to the website; discussion with locals about the values of old trees; organizing programs; financial support for conservation actions on old trees and wood pastures; other innovative activities – we are happy about any initiative, just present us in an e-mail).

    Currently this tree is not adopted by anyone.