General informations | |
Tree number | 5863 |
Species | Pedunculate oak |
Size | 430 cm |
Recorded by | viorelarghius |
Recording time | June 22, 2023, 12:01 p.m. |
Tree condition | |
Human impact/threats for the tree | |
Location of the tree | |
Locality | Giurgiu |
Latitude | |
Longitude | |
Location |
Importance | |
Arbore descoperit si pozat de Ema Stefania Radoi. Informatie furnizata de Ema Radoi ,,Am mers cu colegii si cu doamna diriginta in cautarea unor copaci cu lunga istorie si de dimensiuni mari. Ne-am echipat cu rulete, rucsace, telefoane cu gps si am plecat la drum. Am incercat cativa copaci din parc, de pe langa licee si am observat un copac foarte interesant chiar pe drum. Un copac care ne-a strarnit interesul. Era frumos si foarte mare. Am folosit o ata pentru a lua circumferinta, iar apoi am masurat cu ruleta lungimea atei. Am masurat de cateva ori pentru a ne asigura. Acțiunea a durat in jur de o ora, poate o ora jumatate. Am mers pe jos prin oras in cautarea celor mai interesanti copaci si chiar am gasit''. |
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5. Send us a short e-mail for in which kindly clarify what kind of responsibility you want to fulfill (for example regular visit of the tree and reporting about the condition of the tree; uploading new photos to the website; discussion with locals about the values of old trees; organizing programs; financial support for conservation actions on old trees and wood pastures; other innovative activities – we are happy about any initiative, just present us in an e-mail).
Currently this tree is not adopted by anyone.