Fa részletei

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Fa sorszáma 4492
Faj Tölgy (azonosítatlan faj)
Kerület: 700 cm
Regisztrálta Stefan
Regisztrálás időpontja 2018. augusztus 31. 14:34
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  • Egyéb emberi hatás: there used to be four oaks in the spring. unfortunately, one of them does not exist anymore: it was burned down ten years ago. three oaks are still standing and one of them (the one in the picture) is in a very bad shape.
  • Pozitív beavatkozások: in 2014, nord - a local ngo, took care of the oaks and their spring and transformed the place into a park. the fourth oak was planted again, as well as a green fence included in the new landscape project. unfortunately, the local administration didn't follow up on this project and the local community dind't take any similiar initiative, so the spring and the oaks are in a bad shape again. the initial project is described here: http://www.zilelenordului.ro/blog/stejarii-lui-stefan-cel-mare/
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  • Fontosság
    These Four Oaks are a monument of nature in Romania and also have a positive history of emotional connection with the local community. 40 or 50 years ago the Four Oaks Spring used to be a traditional meeting place for picnics and events in the community. Legend says that the four oaks were planted by Ștefan cel Mare (Steven the Great), one of the greatest rulers in the history of Romania. He was the king of Moldova in the 15th century and is said to have planted the four seeds with his own hands when coming back to the Capital from a battle he won. Legend says that he did that because when his army wanted to have a rest in these lands, there were no shade around and he wanted to fix this at least for the new generations.

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