Trees Show filters < 1 2 3 ... 281 282 283 Displayed entries 5641-5642 of 5642 2. Pedunculate oak Circumference: 710 cm Locality: Breite Sighisoara More Map 1. Pedunculate oak Circumference: 417 cm Locality: Micloșoara More Map < 1 2 3 ... 281 282 283 Displayed entries 5641-5642 of 5642 FILTER BY: Tree IDClear SpeciesClear --------- European silver fir Norway spruce European larch Scots pine Black pine Swiss pine Pine (unidentified species) Yew Hornbeam Common Hazel Turkish hazel Silver birch Downy birch Birch (unidentified species) Alder Grey alder Alder (unidentified species) European beech Oriental beech Sweet chestnut Turkey oak Sessile oak Pedunculate oak Hungarian oak Downy oak Oak (unidentified species) Persian walnut Silver poplar Aspen Black poplar Grey poplar Poplar (unidentified species) White willow Crack willow Goat willow Willow (unidentified species) Field Elm European White Elm Scots elm Elm (unidentified species) European Wild Pear Pear (other species) European crab apple Apple (other species) Service tree Rowan Wild service tree Service tree or mountain ash (unidentified species) Wild cherry Bird Cherry Saint Lucie Cherry Cherry plum Sycamore maple Norway maple Field maple Montpellier Maple Maple (unidentified species) Holly Small-leaved Lime Large-leaved lime Silver lime Lime (unidentified species) Ash Narrow-leaved Ash Manna Ash Ash (unidentified species) Other native species Eastern hemlock Oregon pine Northern white-cedar Thuja (other species) White pine Giant sequoia Northern red oak Exotic oak (other species) Cucumber tree Magnolia (unidentified species) American tulip tree American sycamore Oriental plane Sycamore (unidentified species) Horse-chestnut Honey locust Black locust Wattle (other species) Ginkgo Tree of heaven Black mulberry White mulberry Pagoda tree Paulownia Cypress Hackberry American maple Tatarian maple Black walnut Weeping willow Canadian poplar Other exotic species CircumferenceClear 10 - 100 cm 101 - 200 cm 201 - 300 cm Above 300 cm - LocationClear In locality Pasture Forest River Marshy Road Railway