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Brussels policy seminar on wood pastures, 17 November 2015

Written by Róbert Biró on June 1, 2015

Some of Europe’s most beautiful landscapes comprise scattered large old trees on pastures grazed by livestock. Often with medieval origins, these wooded pastures provide many cultural, ecological, aesthetic and economic benefits. They are rich in biodiversity and the ancient trees are irreplaceable. As well as the ‘usual’ threats of agricultural intensification or abandonment, they are now threatened with unintended destruction by EU agriculture and agri-environment policies because wood pastures don’t fit comfortably into existing categories: they are neither open pastures nor woodland but something in between.

A seminar in the European Parliament in Brussels on 17th November will discuss the effects of European policy on these treasures of the landscape, and recommend changes to improve their management.

For more information or to reserve a place, contact Barbara Knowles: