News and Events

Remarkable trees of Cheile Vârghișului

Written by Tamás Réka on Aug. 12, 2016

One of our colleagues, has participated on the 9th edition of “The cultural and natural heritage camp” organized by the Lost World Speleo-Tourism and Nature Protection Association. The leaders of camp were: Demeter Mária, Dénes Ildikó and Demeter Zoltán. The team has taken part in a trip around the Vargyas strait, and has identified the oldest trees from the zone. All together we have identified 12 remarkable trees, 2 field maples, 3 oak trees and 7 beech trees.

Author of the picture is Demeter Zoltán

Following the trip we have also presented the „Remarkable trees of Romania” project and the participating students were involved in different ecological-educational activities and some games related to old trees.

Author of the picture is Miklós Levente

We would like to take this opportunity express our sincere thanks for the invitation for the organizers and we would also like to congratulate the participants for their active implication.